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tutoring service. She came out with a sense of where to start and a "hook" but then got bogged down for months, despite several more sessions with the tutor.  At the 11th hour, we finally found Jamie Keller, who read my daughter's lifeless essay, listened carefully to her, and then patiently taught her how to show, rather than tell her story. 
Jamie worked with her through multiple versions until the final version was compelling and rang true. With Jamie, my daughter gained confidence as a writer. She is sure that working with Jamie made the difference that got her into CAL.
B. Edwards
Ms. Keller what  parents  say
"Jamie Keller is terrific!
My daughter, who has faced some real academic obstacles, made significant progress in a very short time. Jamie is exceptionally talented and absolutely committed - flexible, patient, imaginative, and never gives up.
I could not recommend her more strongly."
S. G
My daughter struggled with her college essay. She is a decent writer but had enormous trouble talking about herself. Mid-summer, she consulted with a very expensive and well-known
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